Dr. Adam Szulewski
Resuscitation and Reanimation Director
Resuscitation is an emerging subspecialty in the field of life-saving medicine that focuses on improving patient care and patient outcomes. Combining a number of medical disciplines, such as emergency medicine, trauma, and critical care, the field of resuscitation medicine is on the cutting-edge of scientific advancement.
The Queen’s University Department of Emergency Medicine Fellowship in Resuscitation and Reanimation is the first training program in North America to offer fellowship training to physicians who want to focus on resuscitation medicine.
Established in 2008, the program brings together doctors from different backgrounds to advance their understanding of resuscitation medicine, crisis resource management, research, and education. Graduates of the fellowship program will lead the advancement of resuscitation medicine as a future subspecialty.
The program combines clinical experience in resuscitation medicine, significant exposure to learning and teaching with simulation, as well as regular academic sessions from resuscitation medicine experts. The program is flexible and can be tailored to each candidate’s interests.
Our fellows are a highly motivated group of individuals from a variety of medical backgrounds. Our graduates have been successful in integrating and formalizing resuscitation medicine into their careers by pursuing clinical, academic, and administrative roles related to resuscitation medicine.
Please see the KRI website for more details on the Resus Fellowship: https://resuscitationinstitute.org/fellowship/
We invite you to learn more about our program and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Adam Szulewski, MD, FRCPC, MHPE, PhD Program Director