Our residents are fortunate to see a high volume, high acuity, and wide variety of patients which is necessary to become competent specialist Emergency physicians. This includes a high pediatric volume.

Our faculty members are committed to the success of our program. They share a passion for teaching and are incredibly supportive of our residents. Over the last three years, we have welcomed an enthusiastic group of new, young, and talented faculty members with expertise in Critical Care Medicine, Education, Toxicology, Clinical Epidemiology, Ultrasound, Disaster Medicine, and Global Health.

There is expertise in patient simulation at Queen's. Our residents frequently use the new Clinical Simulation Centre, a state-of-the-art facility featuring four simulation labs for high fidelity mannequin scenarios including a complete operating room and two emergency rooms. 

We place a heavy emphasis on well-being and resident wellness. The creation of a balanced lifestyle for faculty and residents which celebrates their interests is a major strength of our program.
Due to the smaller size of our academic centre, faculty and residents from all disciplines get to know each other personally and collaborate well in educational, clinical, and administrative areas. Our residents are a cohesive group who enjoy each others' company and have created an active social atmosphere.

The City of Kingston is continually ranked as one of the best places to work and live in Canada. Our residents are happy here and enjoy its high quality of life, abundant attractions, and lower cost of living.

Queen’s University Emergency Medicine is at the forefront of clinical research and education. We proudly retain some of Canada’s first emergency medicine physician specialists and benefit from their wisdom, knowledge and expertise. With these individuals, and a bright, energetic group of new faculty and superb resident group, we are able to provide one of the most comprehensive and diverse teaching programs in the country.
We are a major research centre, with a very active and well-funded group of primary and collaborative investigators. The faculty team has a considerable range of secondary interests that are complementary to emergency medicine. We have physicians in our faculty who have Master’s degrees in Medical Education and in Clinical Epidemiology, fellowships in medical toxicology, critical care, ED bedside ultrasound, public health and disaster planning and expertise in sports medicine. Our department boasts an internationally recognized Injury Research Group and can provide opportunities in international health, cruise ship medicine, pre-hospital care and high-level administrative responsibilities. Some faculty members have focused their secondary interests on clinical procedures and best practice protocols.
We offer a flexible schedule with plenty of elective time to pursue and realize your personal interests and career goals. Despite the rigorous academic schedule, your colleagues have traditionally enjoyed spending time together outside of the hospital during social events or through such activities as cycling, windsurfing, golf, kayaking, triathlons and a range of winter sports.
Our small size fosters close working relationships with physicians and staff in all specialties and sub-specialties within the system. Moreover, the ability to interact with the small group of professionals time and again enhances our strong sense of community and family.