Dr. Bob McGraw
Areas of interest include clinical simulation and procedural skills learning and assessment.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- McGraw R, Chaplin T, Rocca N, Rang L, Jaeger M, Holden M, Keri Z, Fichtinger G. Cognitive load theory as a framework for simulation-based, ultrasound-guided internal jugular catheterization training: Once is not enough. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. (in press 2018).
- McGraw R, Chaplin T, McKaigney C, Rang L, Jaeger M, Redfearn D, Davison C, Ungi T, Holden M, Yeo C, Keri Z, Fichtinger G. Development and evaluation of a simulation-based curriculum for ultrasound guided central venous catheterization. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016;18(6):405-413.
- Brennan E, McGraw R, Brooks S. Accuracy of Instructor Assessment of Chest Compression Quality During Simulated Resuscitation. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016;18(4):276-282.
- Dagnone J, McGraw R, Howes D, Messenger D, Bruder E, Hall A, Chaplin T, Suzlewski A, Kaul T, O’Brien T. How We Developed A Comprehensive Resuscitation-based Simulation Curriculum in Emergency Medicine, 8-2016, Medical Teacher, 38:1, 30-35.
- Keri Z, Sydor D, Ungi T, Holden MS, Fichtinger G, Mousavi P, McGraw RC, Borschneck DP, Jaeger M. Computerized training system for ultrasound-guided lumbar puncture on abnormal spine models: a randomized controlled trial. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 2015, March. DOI 10.1007/s12630-015-0367-2.
- Yeo C, McGraw R. Examination of Learning in Simulated Lumbar Puncture Training Using Hand Motion Analysis. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015 Oct; 22(10):1187-1195.
- Clinkard D, Holden M, Ungi T, Davison C, Messenger D, Fichtinger G, McGraw R. The development and validation of hand motion analysis to evaluate competency in central line catheterization. Acad Emerg Med. 2015 Feb;22(2):212-8. doi: 10.1111/acem.12590. Epub 2015 Feb 9.
- Clinkard D, McGraw R, Ungi T, Davison C, Holden M, Moult E. Assessment of lumbar puncture skill in experts and non-experts using checklists and quantitative tracking of needle trajectories - implications for competency-based medical education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal. 2015 Jan;27:1, 51-56. DOI: 0.1080/10401334.2014.979184.
- Luctkar-Flude, M., Baker, C., Hopkins-Rosseel, D., Pulling, C., McGraw, R., Medves, J., Krause, A., & Brown, C.A. (2014). Development and evaluation of an interprofessional simulation-based learning module on infection control skills for prelicensure health professional students. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10(8), 395-405. doi: 10.1016/j.eens.2014.03.003
- Matthew S. Holden, Tamas Ungi, Derek Sargent, Robert C. McGraw, Elvis C. S. Chen, Sugantha Ganapathy, Terry M. Peters, Gabor Fichtinger. Feasibility of Real-Time Workflow Segmentation for Tracked Needle Interventions. TBME. 2014 June;61(6):1720-1728.