Dr. Walker is the Research Scientist for the Department of Emergency Medicine with a PhD in epidemiology and a postdoctoral fellowship in knowledge translation and implementation science. Dr. Walker is also the Resident Research Director where she oversees the scholar competency milestones for our emergency department residency program.
Dr. Walker co-leads the design and delivery of a research fundamentals curriculum for the residents. She also provides oversight and methodological support for all resident scholarly projects for their subsequent presentation at the annual RJ Brison Research Day, a requirement in the core of discipline stage of training.
In addition, Dr. Walker works with faculty members, residents and medical students on a myriad of research projects in clinical research, medical education, quality improvement and global health. She provides epidemiological input on a wide spectrum of grant applications, abstracts for conference presentation and manuscripts for journal submission, many of which she is a named co-author. Dr. Walker’s specific research interests include population health, the social determinants of health and vulnerable populations. She is the co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Susan Bartels) on the RECONNECT (impRoving carE experienCes Of equity-seekiNg groups iN thE emergenCy department) study looking at the emergency department care experiences among a variety of equity-seeking groups within our community in an effort to improve care.
Dr. Walker is the part of the Scholar Competency team in Undergraduate Medical Education and the Co-Director of the Medical Student Research Showcase. Dr. Walker is also the Course Director of a first-year undergraduate medicine course, the past Course Director for the Population and Global Health course. She has also taught in a variety of graduate level courses including Cancer Biology and Foundations of Cancer Control.
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